God hates Divorce

God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, and from the man, HE created woman.

The Bond of Marriage Established By God. God made marriage. But divorce and remarriage is entirely man-made. To be frank, God hates Divorce.

Wedding made by God

God sees marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman. It is a relationship of personal obligation. Both husband and wife have given their Promise before God and they agreed and signed, that they will be faithful to each other; they are committed to live together for life-long untill death.

Is breaking faith with their wives/husband was such a terrible sin? Yes because they had promised lifelong commit­ment to their marriage covenant, and God was the witness, not the public.

They promise at the time of marriage, to be faithful whatever the circumstances they live together, but because of selfishness they fail to keep the promises they made when they entered into the marriage covenant, its a bond which never should be breakable, and divorce is not only a violation of God’s original plan for marriage, it violates the marriage covenant to which the Lord is a witness. Divorce is treachery against life’s most intimate companion and is a grievous sin which God hates.’

Acc. to Human, which becomes the very latest trend around the society, when a husband or wife feel they no longer love their marriage partner, or the marriage goes through a difficult time, or they fall in love with someone else, then divorce becomes an option for a human. There is little acknowledgement that human unfaithfulness is at the heart of all divorce. Yet the Bible is quite clear on this point and warns, ‘Do not break faith with the wife of your youth’ (Malachi 2:15)

According to Malachi, People of Israel was concerned that God was no longer blessing them. Their prayers were not being answered because of God’s displeasure with their attitude towards marriage; they were breaking their marriage covenants and divorcing their wives. God was displeased and said, ‘You have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant’ (Malachi 2:14), thereby highlighting the under­lying cause of all divorce. God told his people that unfaithfulness, which is a wider term than adultery, is the root cause of all broken marriages and the sin that leads to divorce.

Divorce in a case of marital unfaithfulness. However, should circumstances arise which make separation inescapable, don’t leave your partner. Situational will change.

Mark 10:9 says therefore what God has joined together, let no one seperate.

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